Tricia Monzon
Meditation Teacher
Tricia is a practicing mental health professional with over 20 years of various styles of meditation
practice. She is passionate about the overall health benefits of mindfulness and meditation. She has practiced Mindfulness Meditation, Vipassana, Zazen, Tonglen, Yoga Nidra and Transcendental Meditation.
Tricia is a student of Buddhist philosophy and uses her Buddhist underpinnings in her therapy practice and daily life. Tricia believes strongly in the power of mindfulness and meditation in improving your health both emotionally and physically. Any behavior change requires mindfulness; in order to make a different choice, we first have to be aware that we are at the intersection of those choices.
The practice of meditation is like going to the gym for your muscles; every time you bring your attention back to your “anchor”, you complete one rep which strengthens that mind muscle. This trains the “muscles of the mind” to stay focused on the moment. When we go to the gym and get physically stronger, we can then lift the 40-pound bag of dog food without hurting ourselves. Our body gets better at performing the tasks of daily life. Our minds are no different. Meditation builds the “mind muscles”to create a small gap between thought and behavior. This gap provides the opportunity to determine if and/or how we want to proceed/respond which creates the potential for more healthful choices. We then can make choices that transform our lives! Mindfulness is meditation in motion. Meditation is conditioning the brain to be effective in motion.
As a student of the Yogic traditions as well, Tricia understands that the first 5 limbs of Yoga including practices of movement and breath are in preparation for the 6 th and 7 th limbs of Yoga - withdrawal of the senses (Pratyarha) and meditation (Dhyana). For this reason, Tricia’s meditation classes involve some simple movement/poses and breath work to prepare for sitting in meditation.
Please feel welcome to join in any class at any time. The information presented in these classes will build upon itself but you will benefit from entering at any time. Yoga mats, blocks, and bolsters will be provided.